Tuesday 29 October 2013

The Fantastic 6 Group Activities

Please find the guidelines for your project. 
Once you have decided on the Project Title, you need to work on them now including the drafting of the working paper and present the draft of your work in class. Each member of the group will have to present your tasks and the progress made in class according to sectionss below. There will be Q & A and you will be assessed (content and presentation skills including use of language).

i) Delegate the tasks
ii) Refer to sample project works including working papers in the Internet (including recommended websites)
iii) Be innovative and creative to come up with an original of your own
iv) Conduct your e-meetings in Edmodo regularly
All the best!


Dear all,

Please be prepared to make a 5-minute group oral presentation (not including Q & A) on your project proposal tomorrow. Before class please upload your proposal in Edmodo (in whatever format - word, 
powerpoint, etc).

I suggest you bring your laptop and make presentation from your laptop because the main computer infront is slow.

I would like to know:

1. Title of Project
2. Related Problems
3. Objective of Project
4. Strategy
5. Budget
6. Activities

Marks will be taken. 

Remember - exactly 5 minutes!

TITLE OF PROJECTMathematics Camp

Notice Of   1st   Mathematics Camp Minutes of Meeting

Notice is hereby given to all member Group Fantastic that the 1st meeting for Mathematics Camp  will be held at Room B4 G3 , 12 October 2013 from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
1.      Opening address by Chairperson
2.      Selection of the Mathematics Camp Committee
3.      Mathematics Camp
3.1         Venue
3.2         Date
3.3         Sub-committees for preparation of the camp
4.      Other matters

Prepared by,                                                                  


Date:  7  October 2013



Notice Of   2nd   Mathematics Camp Minutes of Meeting

Notice is hereby given to all member Group Fantastic that the 2nd  meeting for Mathematics Camp will be held at  SK Serom 4, Ledang , 21 October 2013 from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

1.      Opening address by Chairperson
2.      Reading and approval the 1st meeting minutes. Reading and approval the 1st meeting minutes.
3.      The activities.
4.      The Budget
5.      Place and facilities
6.      Other matters

Prepared by,                                                                  


Date:  15 October 2013

8 – 9 NOVEMBER 2013

1.0              PURPOSE

            The purpose of this Mathematics Camp is to gain interest of leaning mathematics among pupils in school in area Ledang, Johor. It does not only focus on the pupils but also actively involve parents to support their child in improving their interest in Mathematics. This programmed is mainly conducted to make parent understand the important of learning Mathematics and to build their child’s future to be a great Mathematicians. In this programmed the pupils will be find that learning Mathematics are so interesting and the parent also will be impressed and love Mathematics too.

2.0              BACKGROUND

            Mathematics is the most interesting subject in any school especially in primary school. But pupils nowadays find that mathematics is a difficult and hard to be learned. They always think that learning mathematics is all about numbers and calculation. Some teacher taught their students with calculation and numbering only. The spoon speeding are the most popular things the teacher always done to make sure the student understand the mathematics rather than making them interesting in learning mathematics.
            This should be happen in primary school because primary pupils need more attention and lots of things can be done. So if the teacher still using chalk and talk, I’m sure all pupils in Malaysia are not interested in learning the mathematics happily. So we planned this programmed and it is especially for the parent to contribute something for their children to improve their performance in Mathematics. All the planning and preparation has been carefully organized to ensure all the members of carnival will be able to enjoy the real atmosphere of the camp of mathematics thought the organization of the activities that have been planned.

3.0              OBJECTIVES

            At the end of the programmed, the student should be able to:

a)      Put interest in learning Mathematics among pupils in school in Ledang Johor.
b)      Exposes pupils with the various fields in the world of mathematics apart from life.
c)      They will find the different between normal class and with creative class using the activities thought to them.
d)     To make sure the student to understand the importance of learning mathematics.

4.0              PROGRAMME DETAILS:

            Date                : 8-9 November 2013
            Duration          : 2 Days 1 Night
            Time                : 7.30 am (Registration)
            Venue              : SK Ledang, Tangkak.

5.0              PARTICIPATION

            This Mathematics Camp is opened only for 5 schools in the Ledang area and teacher.

a)      SK SEROM 4
b)      SK PENCHU
c)      SK LEDANG
e)      SJK (C) KIM KEE
f)       SJK (C) PEI YANG

6.0              ORGANIZATION

            Adviser                                   :Pn Hjh Noraini Hayati Binti Ahmad
            (Headmaster of SK Ledang, Tangkak)

            Chairman                                 :Cik Hjh Khairawati Suraya Bt Kamaruddin
            (GPK Cocuriculum , SK Ledang, Tangkak)

            Vice Chairman                        : Pn Azlina Bt Othman
            (GPK 1, SK Ledang, Tangkak)

                                                            Pn Zahriah Bt Abu
            (GPK HEM, SK Ledang, Tangkak)

            Coordinator                             : Mohamad Nizam Bin Mahmud
            Secretary                                 : Sharon Lim Siau Chin
            Treasurer                                 : Mazlan bin Ayub


            Chairman                                             : Mohamad Nizam Bin Mahmud
            Secretary                                             : Sharon Lim Siau Chin
            Treasurer                                             : Mazlan bin Ayub

            Proposal                                              : Mohamad Nizam Bin Mahmud
            Registration                                         : Too Siew Kiaw
            Programme and Brochure                   : Talib Othman
            Invitation                                            : Lim Siau Chin
            Banner and Poster                               : Lim Siau Chin
            Layout of vanue                                  : Mazlan Ayub
                                                                          Mohd Farid Hashim
            Photography and documentation        : Lim Siau Chin
            Gift And Lucky draw                         : Too Siew Kiaw
            Blog                                                    : Mohamad Nizam Bin Mahmud
            Food/ Beverage                                   : Mazlan Ayub
            Security and Safety                            : Mohd Farid Hashim


Day 1:
                                    7.30-8.00am                : Registration  
                                    8.00-9.00am                : Slot 1:  Ice breaking

                                    9.00-10.00am              : Slot 2: Fun with Symbol

                                    10.00-10.30 am           : Breakfast for All
                                    10.30-12.30                 : Slot 3: Mathematics Puzzle

                                    12.30-2.00pm              : Rest/Lunch

                                    2.00-4.30pm                : Slot 4: Bowling Everyone
                                    4.30-5.00pm                : Rest/Tea

                                    5.00-6.30pm                : Slot 5:  Snake and Ladder
                                    6.30-8.30pm                : Rest/Dinner
                                    8.30-10.30pm              : Slot 6: Create 3D shape Games

Day 2:
                                    7.00-8.00am                : Breakfast
                                    8.00-10.00am              : Slot 1: Bull Eyes Game

                                    10.00-11.00am            : Slot 2: Let's know your age and place value

                                    11.00-12.00pm            : Closing ceremony.
                                                                          Certificate and prize giving

                                    12.00 – 1.00 pm          : Lunch and Disperse

8.0              FINANCE

8.1              FINANCIAL RESOURCE
a)      Fee of the student for each school.
b)      Donation from School Alumni
c)      PIBG
d)     Financial aid camp school.

·         Refer to appendix 1.

9.0              CLOSURE
            We hope this Mathematics Camping programmed could be implement effectively in this selected in Ledang area. We also believe that all the knowledge and education that we want to deliver are useful for the students. We also hope all students can use all the knowledge in the school and for sure show what they get to others in their school. We put a high thanks to all the school that will participant in this camping. Hope this proposal will be approves soon so we can conduct the programmed for our children out there.

Prepared By:


Day 1:

Slot 1 : Ice breaking
1.      Ask pupils to count from number 1 to 10 and remember their number
2.      Let the pupils from a big circle with 10 pupils.
3.      Pupils with odd number move three steps backward and those with even numbers move three steps forward.
4.      Face their friends and introduce themselves.

Slot 2: Fun With Symbol
1.      Teacher choose question sets suitable pupils level.
2.      Each pupils will be given the set
3.      Pupils solve the questions given individually
4.      Collect and check pupils answer
5.      Choose the best to be the winner

Slot 3:Mathematics Puzzle
1.      Divide pupils into groups of ten.
2.      Distribute the materials to each group
3.      In groups, pupils solve the puzzle
4.      Teacher chooses the best answer as the winner

Slot 4 : Bowling Everyone
1.      Divide pupils into group
2.      Time allocate is about 5 to 8 minutes
3.      Each groups members take turns to hit the mineral bottles and choose only two numbers.For example : They hit bottles 4,7 and 8 and choose only 4 and 8.Built Mathematics term, 8 + 4=12 or 
8 – 7=4
4.      Write their answers on a piece of paper provided.
5.      Group with the highest mark will be the winner

Slot 5 : Snake and Ladder
Use in additional operation.Pupils thraw two dices together and count the product before step to the next stage.
Slot 6 : Create 3D Shape Game
1.      Pupils need to arrange the cubes in 3D’s to form replica in varians shapes
2.      Besides 3D’s objects, 2D’s objects one also allowed but not more than 50% of the whole objects.
3.      Pupils can use their own creativities to arrange the cubes from reuse objects
4.      2 hours given for this block challenge
5.      Wineres will be chosen based on creativity and the best product

Day 2:
Slot 1 : Bull Eyes Game
1.      Group activity- 3 in a group
2.      Each player will be given 5 paper clips
3.      Pupils flick the paper clips anto the drawing of bull eyes
4.      Points counted on where the paper clips drop, e.g: 3 pin berada di lilitan rumah satu dan
1 pin berada di rumah ratus. Maka jumlah mata yang dicapai ialah :(3x1) + (1x100) = 103 mata.

Slot 2 : Let’s Know Your Age and Place Value
E.g : Age 46, house number 29
1.      Multiply the house number 29 x 2=58
2.      Add 5 to the total 5+58=63
3.      Time the total 63x50=3196
4.      Add the total to the age 3150 + 46 =3196
5.      Add 365 days 3196 + 365=3561

6.      Minus 3561-615=2946