Monday 28 October 2013

Exercise in EDMODO

1st day at school Oct 5, 2013

SEMESTER I 2013/2014

(THE PJJ E-Com PROdevelopment PROJECT)

  1. Form a team of five (5) or six (6) and establish a training centre for continuing professional development. In your respective team appoint a chairperson, a secretary and conduct your first meeting. The main agenda of the meeting is to obtain a name for your centre and plan numerous (at least five) professional development activities for teachers. Use appropriate communication and negotiation skills in your meeting. Ensure there is active participation from all members. At the end of the meeting, each member has to produce the meeting notice and minutes INDIVIDUALLY.

(12 October 2013; 30%)

  1. Choose ONE of the five activities decided during the first meeting. Design a suitable brochure to advertise your chosen professional development activity to colleagues in your respective schools. Hand in the brochure to the lecturer for assessment at the END OF THE SEMESTER.


  1. Next, prepare a training/course feedback form to be given to programme participants. Then, conduct the planned activity in your school and obtain feedback from your participants in relation to its quality, usefulness, etc in order to sustain your training programme and remain competitive with existing rival corporations. [The planned activity can be carried out in Bahasa Melayu but the brochure & feedback form MUST be in ENGLISH]


NOTE: [Task 2 and 3 should be completed before the final face-to-face meeting;
  14 December 2013]

  1. Finally, you are very pleased that you have accomplished the professional development activity in your school and therefore, would like to share your experiences; success, joy, despair, struggle, gain and pain with fellow students and lecturer. Choose a suitable topic and deliver a short speech (10 minutes). Use appropriate visual aids and presentation skills.

(14 Dec 2013; 20%)

      [ALL tasks; ‘Notice, Minutes, Brochure & Feedback Form’ to be compiled and
        presented to the lecturer as a complete project document latest 30 Dec 2013]

What went wrong? 

Blame it on - the kids, the parents, the teachers, the community?

What do we do about it and how?

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24 September 2013| last updated at 01:53PM
8 boys arrested for having sex with 13-year-old girl
By Fahirul N. Ramli |

 887 54Google +22 20 comments

HULU SELANGOR: Eight teenagers aged from 12 to 14 were arrested for having sex with a 13-year-old girl in an abandoned house in a housing estate here in Kuala Kubu Bharu on Friday.
The Form One student who was playing truant had on Thursday being reported to have skipped school and did not return home, said district deputy police chief Deputy Superintendent Zulkifli Bedin.
"She had instead slept at a surau in the housing estate, 100m away from the abandoned house where the incident took place," Zulkifli said, adding that the police received a report from the girl's family member who was notified of the girl's whereabouts by a man who had seen her cleaning her clothes at the surau that Friday morning, just before she went off with the boys.
It was learnt that the girl's wild ways may have been caused by the lack of attention at home, as her Indonesian mother who was divorced with her local husband had gone back home, and both of them had since remarried.
Zulkifli said the girl was later taken for check-ups at the Selayang Hospital.
The case is investigated under Section 376 for having sexual intercourse with an underage girl.

Source : NST (2013) 8 boys arrested for having sex with 13-year-old girl. Accessed on 8 Oct at

Talib Othman.DB110313.Section 3
In today's world, this is a dangerous social problem.It is easy to put blame an someone but it is difficult to correct and help. Teenagers need role model, guidance and love.They can easily lost as there are emptiness in their soul.In this case the parents failed to guide the girl but where are her relatives?Teenagers need help.The community must play their role to guide them to the correct path.

Oct 5, 2013
Ladies & Gentlemen,
In about 200-250 words, tell us why you are here at UTHM. How do you feel being here? What or who made you come here? What do you expect to gain at the end of this program? What are your immediate plans upon graduation (provided and pray that you make it through)?

Talib Othman.DB110313.Section 3.

Here I am at UTHM once again.2013 is the second year for me attending lectures as a student.It was more than 25 years after my dream to enter university scattered.After my STPM, I lost my hope to further my study.I work as a clerk for a few years until I was accepted as a traince teacher at Maktab Perguruan Sri Pinang,Pulau Pinang some 20 five years ago.I have asked for further studies twice but myself had to reject it due to financial difficulties at that time.Since than,I never think of any chance to further my study.
It was about two years ago when one afternoon I received a call from UTHM, I was advised to register soon as my name was listed as a new student for a programme under the PPG.At first I really refused to do so and I objected the offer.It is a ridiculous idea for a 45 years old teacher like me to further my study and my goodness,Mathematics course.
So,here I am in a world of student's life at UTHM.I felt a little bit difficult.As a teacher i am sure this will help me to fulfill the goverment need to achieve 50 % graduated teacher towards 2020.I am a loyal goverment servent and will take this golden opportunity in achiving the target.
Being a university student at this age is really challenging. I have to balance my work,my family's life and as a student.I always remind myself that I will do my best as a model to my children.Never give up and give my best.At the end of this UTHM programme hopefully I will be a 50 years old graduate teacher and able to fulfill the M.O.E target upon reaching 2020.I always pray may ALLAH grant me with good health,clear mind and lots of time to enable me to make it through until graduation day comes.

I will do my best to study,complete the tasks and assignments given by hook or by crook, attend the lectures and sit for the exam.Nobody knows the furture and I always pray for the best in my life, career and my study.There is no full stop for learning and hope I can achieve the target.

Oct 6, 2013
Dear all,
Honestly, how would you prefer the teaching and learning of Maths and Science in our schools - in Bahasa Melayu or English and explain why you think so?
Oct 7, 2013:

Talib Othman.DB110313.Section 3.
I prefer to teach in Bahasa Melayu.Based on my experience teacing school in kampung area,pupils learn better in using Bahasa Melayu.As what Prof.Diraja Ungku Aziz said"Maths and Sc. must be taught in mother tongue".Lets the pupils master English Language during English lesson.MBMMBI is a good programme for this.
Please download and read the NST article on School-based Assessment (SBA). What are the strengths and/or weaknesses of such assessment model. 
What are some of the more critical challenges you or your colleagues face in implementing SBA?


Pupils will be assessed based on their development in individual learning.Teachers use different kinds of ways in teaching and learning process.SBA's weakness is too many clerical work for teachers.

Eagles - Hotel California

Listen to the music and read the lyrics to answer the questions below:

1) What are "colitas?"

2) Who is "she"?

3) Why did he say ""This could be Heaven or this could be Hell"?

4) What does "Tiffany-twisted" mean?

5) Why "some dance to remember and some dance to forget?

6) What were they trying to remember and forget?

7) What or who is the beast?

8) Why couldn't they kill the beast?

9) What do the words "prisoners" and "device" mean in the song?

10) Explain this ""We are programmed to receive.You can check-out any time you like, But you can never leave!" 

11) What is "Hotel California"?

MATRIC NO : DB110313

1) What are "colitas?"
Colitas are marijuana buds.
2) Who is "she"?
She refers to lady of justice in the court house.
3) Why did he say ""This could be Heaven or this could be Hell"?
This line refer to the person who have choice to make good or worst situation.
4) What does "Tiffany-twisted" mean?
“Tiffany-twisted” mean how a world works.
5) Why "some dance to remember and some dance to forget?
It refers to person memori to remember or simply a fight.
6) What were they trying to remember and forget?
They are about fighiting for right and some for useless thing.
7) What or who is the beast?
Beast in this song refers to the group leader.
8) Why couldn't they kill the beast?
They couldn’t kill the beast because the leader has a lot of influence.
9) What do the words "prisoners" and "device" mean in the song?
“Prisoners” means the wrong people and “device” mean hold system create by human.
10) Explain this ""We are programmed to receive.You can check-out any time you like, But you can never leave!"
They only recive prisoners in and the prisoners can die but will never free.
11) What is "Hotel California"?

“Hotel California” is a drug rehab.

Cartooning for a noble cause and becoming very successful at it. 

How about You? Have you used cartoons in your class? Share with us on how you have used cartoons.

I have used cartoon during Mathematics lesson.Mostly I used cartoon charaters for worksheet,class decoration and for group's name.Just to make the lesson more interesting.Using cartoons is really useful for set induction in teaching and learning process.

Please read this (especially the Executive Summary) and we will have a discussion on it in class later. Click on the link.

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