Monday 28 October 2013

Education Knowledge

Sample Notice and Minutes of Meeting
Dr.Berhan's Notes.
[ Format 1 ]

Notice Of 1st Class Meeting

Notice is hereby given to all group leaders that the 1st class meeting for BUB 2132 (E7) will be held at Dewan Kuliah 4 in ITTHO on Thursday, 14 September 2000 from 10:00 am to 10:30 am.


1.      Opening address by Chairperson
2.      Educational Trip
2.1         Venue
2.2         Date
2.3         Sub-committees for preparation of the trip
3.      Other matters

By order of the Chairperson,

(Angelina Ng Andrew)

Date:  5 September 2000

[ Format 2 ]
Our Reference : BUB2132 (E7)/2001/(1)
Date                : 20 Nov 2000

To all Group Leaders
BUB 2132 (7)
Institut Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn
86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor

Notice Of 1st Class Meeting
Notice is hereby given to all group leaders that the 1st class meeting for BUB 2132 (E7) will be held details as follows:

  • Venue              :           Dewan Kuliah 4, ITTHO
  • Date                :           Thursday, 14 September 2000
  • Time                :           10:00 am to 10:30 am.

The meeting shall deliberate on the following agenda:

1.      Opening address by Chairperson
1.1.   Educational Trip
1.2.   Venue
1.3.   Date
1.4.   Sub-committees for preparation of the trip
2.      Other matters

By order of the Chairperson,
(Angelina Ng Andrew)

Minutes of 1st Class Meeting
No. 1 Year 2000

Date        :     14 September 2000
Time        :     10:00 am
Venue     :     Dewan Kuliah 4


Berhanuddin Mohd. Salleh   (Chairperson)
Ling Sia King
Mohd. Anwar
Mohd. Izudeen
Mohd. Shazwan
Rafizah Ab. Rahman
Zinvi Fu
Angelina Ng  (Secretary)

1.      Opening Address By The Chairperson

1.1.     The Chairperson welcomed everyone present.
1.2.     The Chairperson informed that the main purpose of the day’s meeting was to discuss about an educational trip for BUB 2132 (E7).
1.3.     The class has been allotted RM 5000 by HEP for the trip.
1.4.     All group leaders were told that the class representative would chair the next meeting.

2.      Educational Trip

2.1.     Venue
2.1.1.      The Chairperson opened the discussion to decide on the place to make the educational trip.
2.1.2.      Izudeen suggested that the class could go to the National Planetarium in Kuala Lumpur. Angelina seconded the suggestion.
2.1.3.      Shazwan suggested that the class could go to MATIC (Malaysia Art & Tourism Information Centre) also in Kuala Lumpur. Sia King seconded the motion.
2.1.4.      By show of hands, the committee decided to visit the National Planetarium.
2.2.      Date
2.2.1.      The Chairperson asked everyone when would an appropriate date be for the educational trip.
2.2.2.      Sia King suggested that the trip be held after the examinations for everybody would be too busy preparing for it and the committee agreed.
2.2.3.      Zinvi proposed that the trip be held on 25 October 2000 but Angelina opposed. Her reason was that some of the students’ last paper is on 27 October 2000.
2.2.4.      King proposed that the trip be held on 28 October 2000. The committee agreed.
2.2.5.      Izudeen suggested that the trip should be for 2 days and 1 night so that a visit to MSC (Multimedia Super Corridor) would be possible. Angelina seconded the suggestion. The committee had no objections.
2.3       Sub-committees
2.3.1        The Chairperson suggested that several sub-committees be formed and that a chairperson be appointed to head each of the sub-committees. The members of the leader’s group will be in the sub-committee.
2.3.2        The sub-committees are for transportation, accommodation and food, and participants.
2.3.3        Sia King suggested that the class should take the ITTHO bus to Kuala Lumpur. Rafizah seconded the idea and suggested they took 2 big buses. The committee agreed.
2.3.4        Rafizah volunteered to be chairperson for the transportation sub-committee.
2.3.5        Izudeen would be chairperson for the accommodation and food sub-committee for he suggested that the trip be for 2 days and 1 night.
2.3.6        The chairperson asked if the trip should be open to other people.
2.3.7        Izudeen proposed that all English lecturers be invited to join as chaperons.
2.3.8        The committee agreed on his proposal and decided that the trip be for BUB 2132 (E7) and all English lecturers only.
2.3.9        Angelina volunteered to be chairperson for the participants sub-committee.

3.      Other Matters

3.1       The Chairperson reminded the group leaders to inform their group members that the final English report is due on 15 October 2000 at 5:00 pm.
3.2      Everyone was advised to read up on the format of minutes of meeting from the library or the Internet.

4.      Conclusions

4.1  The Chairperson summarised the meeting stating that the Educational trip is to the National Planetarium on 28 – 29 October 2000 and the class will be going there in 2 ITTHO busses.
4.2  The committee was informed that the next meeting would be held two weeks from now.
4.3  The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am.

Prepared by,

(Angelina Ng Andrew)

Meetings - How to run team meetings

Watch & learn from all the videos on "Meetings" because you will be conducting meetings in class and assessed

MP4 File

AVI File

AVI File

Spell and say it right!

Learning resources 


Please refer to existing blogs in the Internet for your reference.

What do you include in your blog?
- introduction to your group
- your project - objective, strategy, activities, poster, etc
- related pictures , graphs, statistics, & video clips 

Ensure accurate use of language, attractiveness, layout

Ensure it is of global university standard

Happy blogging!

Below are links to some good blogs for your reference.

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